Eastside Utility District's top priority is providing you with consistently safe drinking water.
To meet TDEC and EPA inventory requirements associated with revisions to the 1991 Lead And Copper Rule (LCR), Eastside Utility is creating an inventory of the water pipe materials in our service area and recording the location of any verified or potential lead and galvanized service lines. We have already determined that most properties in our service area do NOT have lead service lines initiating from the utility side. We need YOUR assistance to help identify any potential lead and galvanized pipe materials that could be found on the public side. We are asking that you take a brief Lead Service Line Material ( SLM) Survey to help us identify potential lead service lines within our service area.
What are Water Service Lines?
The customer water service line is the pipe that connects a building or property to the municipal water supply system. It's responsible for delivering clean water from your local water utility into the premises for various uses like drinking, cooking, and washing.
How to Locate & Identify
Your Water Service Line Material
Watch the video below to learn how to locate and identify your water service line material. The information provided will help us meet new regulatory requirements and identify any potential lead source forfuture actions.
Performing the Magnetic & Scratch Test
- Find your water service line (water pipe). It is usually located in the garage or crawl-space where it enters the building from an exterior wall and is connected to a shut off valve. Gently scratch the pipe’s surface using a key, coin, or strong refrigerator magnet.
- If the magnet adheres, the pipe is made of steel, not lead. Ensure to only create a superficial scratch. Please note that simply having a lead service line does not mean your home's water has high levels of lead in your drinking water.
- Report your findings in our service line inventory survey
Typical service line pipe materials include copper, galvanized steel, plastic, and lead as shown below:

How to Take the Online Survey
Submitting Your Test Results
When you are ready to begin the survey, click the button below.
What is EUD doing to reduce the potential for lead exposure in drinking water?
EUD consistently follows and stays current with all EPA and TDEC health and safety guidelines and mandates including:
- Consistent Testing & Corrosion Control: We routinely collect samples across our entire distribution area to monitor and assess the effectiveness of our lead corrosion control treatment.
- Infrastructure Upgrades: We are continuing our water main replacement program, replacing the oldest pipes in the system, which includes utility owned portion of lead service lines if present.
- Service Line Identification: We are actively working to identify all drinking water service line materials throughout the water supply and are proactively preparing for compliance with the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule.
- Education and Awareness: We are committed to providing increased education about lead in drinking water and encouraging customers to take action on lead service lines in the community to reduce the potential risk of lead exposure.
Is EUD treating their water to avoid lead getting into water pipes?
Yes. As required by the EPA and LCR regulations, Eastside Utility District treats their drinking water to control corrosiveness. The most recent testing result data notes they remain in compliance with all current EPA and TDEC standards. For more information, please refer to EUD's 2023 Water Quality Report
Click here for more SLM FAQ's
For more information on reducing lead exposure around your home/building and the health effects of lead, visit EPA's website at www.epa.gov/lead, or contact your health care provider or local health department.